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Qualia Launches An Omega-3 Strong Enough Alleviate Symptoms Of ADD In Kids




(, September 14, 2015 ) San Francisco , California -- Qualia Nutraceuticals has just launched the first of what is being called a ‘new generation' of highly potent fish oils, An Omega-3 containing 1500mg of EPA/DHA- making it one of the highest concentrations of fish oil available. Qualia states that of all the health improvements that a highly potent, super concentrated Omega-3 can provide, the attention and focus disorders prevalent in today's children may be among the most important problems it can help solve.

Qualia states that according to a recent Perdue University study, children that are low in Omega-3 fatty acids are significantly more likely to be hyperactive, show behavioral problems and have other learning disorders. Omega-3 deficiencies have been correlated with a number of other childhood health and brain related issues: dyslexia, memory problems, depression, diabetes, cancer, allergies and a number of inflammatory diseases are among those conditions.

Qualia explains that a human brain contains more than 60% structural fat by dry weight; but that it's the type of fats that are so important people get enough of. It's no secret that in a western diet, saturated fats and vegetable oils that are high in Omega-6 fats have taken over as the sole fat source for the brain to function on. Qualia says that by eliminating all but a small amount of Omega-3 in their diet, people have become wrongfully conditioned to believe that the irritability, ADD, fatigue, learning problems and cognitive decline that are associated with Omega-3 deficiency are normal.

Because of the prevalence of learning and attention issues that children undergo at a young age in school, the lack of Omega-3 in their diets (from home as well as school lunch) this has a particularly high consequence to the development of social and behavioral issues that become accelerated over time.

The brain conducts routine repair on its dopamine and serotonin receptors (both of which are highly associated with ADD and mood disorders). Those receptors are made from DHA (docosapentaenoic acid). If there is a lack of DHA in the blood, the brain rebuilds receptors rebuild with whatever fats are available at that time, like trans fats and saturated fats. If this process is repeated over years during the development of the child's brain, permanent damage reveals itself as depression, attention deficit disorders and other issues.

A child in school requires these receptors to be in peak shape for optimal brain and nerve functioning. DHA is critical for these neural synapses as they are composed entirely of DHA. As is the issue with most American children who lack good Omega-3 in their diet; their brain in sluggish, tired and unable to focus.

Modern medicine encourages parents to give children Adderall or Ritalin (powerful stimulant drugs, closely related to amphetamines) to balance the chemical imbalance in a child's brain, but it doesn't (and will never) solve the existing deficiency the child has. The issue is so prevalent that more than one in 20 American children between the ages of 4 and 17 are medicated for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, an almost 500% increase from 1990 to 2015.

Qualia states that the most important values that dictate a quality Omega-3 are:

-High EPA and DHA content (usually (1500mg and over)
-Fish Oil from clean, uncontaminated water
-Mercury free rating (Third party tested, or otherwise)

This issue is still 5-10 years from being made mainstream in America but some companies (sensitive to the ever increasing issue of Omega-3 deficiency) are marketing foods high in Omega-3 or DHA such as eggs, tuna and baby food to begin to counteract the problem. In countries such as Japan, parents have been giving their children DHA supplements for years to help improve their grades.

Qualia concludes by stating that Omega-3 is already highly revered for its anti-depressant aspects, ability to lower cholesterol and other brain benefits but until only recently was noted for its effectiveness in helping to combat ADD and attention disorders. Qualia expects that it's highly concentrated Elite Omega-3 will offer some hope to people who are looking to improve their children's mental focus or clarity.

About Qualia Nutraceuticals

Qualia believes that great health goes beyond helping people make healthy choices; it's about fostering a connection between people, products and well-being that can only be nourished with trust, openness and care.

Qualia Nutraceuticals

Jenny Sanders


Source: EmailWire.Com


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