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Research Finds Cardiovascular Benefits Of Turmeric As Powerful As Exercise


(, September 24, 2015 ) Orlando, FL -- Today, an increasing number of people are resorting to healthy food and beverages, or natural ingredients to improve their overall health. Many are also practicing a healthy, active lifestyle to maintain a healthy body. A natural spice called turmeric, which is believed to have many health benefits, is also widely used nowadays. While it is associated with a myriad of popular health benefits, there is another discovery about its therapeutic effects that people would be glad about.

Research finds cardiovascular benefits of turmeric as powerful as exercise. While it is true that nothing can ever replace the importance of exercise, turmeric is believed to do a really great job in producing the same cardiovascular health benefits. This is especially true for women who are going through age-associated adverse changes in their arterial health.

"The powerful therapeutic benefits of turmeric are believed to be due to its active ingredient called curcumin," said VitaBreeze Supplements spokesperson, Michelle O'Sullivan.

Curcumin is believed to contain antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its use is associated with health benefits such as the prevention of heart disease. In research studies, it was found that turmeric contains remarkable cardioprotective properties.

A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology revealed that turmeric extract could potentially reduce the risk of post-bypass heart attack by 56 percent. There was also a remarkable study, which can be found in the journal Nutrition Research, that revealed curcumin is as effective as a moderate aerobic exercise training regimen in the improvement of vascular function among postmenopausal women.

An 8-week long study that involved 32 postmenopausal women was conducted, and they were divided into three groups, namely the exercise, non-treatment control, and curcumin groups. Researchers aimed at ascertaining the health condition of the inner lining of the blood vessels of the participants. This was done through the use of ultrasound, which worked by measuring the flow-mediated arterial dilation.

A flow-mediated arterial dilation is a poplar indicator of arterial elasticity, and endothelial function. When the endothelial function is disturbed, it often results in the development of atherosclerosis. Researchers believe that anything that reverses endothelial dysfunction can also reduce cardiovascular-related morbidity or mortality.

Over the course of eight weeks, it was found that the flow-mediated dilation significantly increased both in the exercise and curcumin groups, more than the control group. The researchers suggest that regular curcumin ingestion and exercise training helped improve endothelia function. They also added that the magnitude of the improvement found in the endothelial function was the same extent as exercise. It was found that using curcumin could potentially help prevent the decline in endothelial function associated with age in premenopausal women (

About VitaBreeze

VitaBreeze is a nutraceutical brand that manufactures high quality natural supplements to help people live a healthy, enjoyable and longer life.


Michelle O Sullivan

(407) 545-2239

Source: EmailWire.Com


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