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The American Heart Association Reveals The Key To Maintain Cardiovascular Health


(, September 25, 2015 ) Orlando, FL -- The mortality rate associated with heart disease is continually increasing. As a matter of fact, there is an estimated number of 600,000 heart-related mortalities in the United States. Heart ailments are considered to be one of the leading causes of death in many countries, and this is why healthcare experts or organizations are trying to determine the best remedies for the condition.

The American Heart Association reveals the key to maintain cardiovascular health. According to heart health experts, making some dietary and lifestyle changes is the best weapon for fighting cardiovascular ailments such as coronary heart disease.

"There are many tempting yet unhealthy food choices and activities that make many people prone to heart ailments nowadays," said VitaBreeze Supplements spokesperson, Michelle O'Sullivan.

While making some positive changes in one's lifestyle and diet can be truly challenging, people should learn about how they can make this change. Doing so can provide them with long-term health benefits. There are many healthy food choices, such as vegetables and fruits, as well as fitness activities that can help people protect their heart from various threats.

According to the American Heart Association, people need to engage in physical activities on a daily basis to use up the calories they eat. Increasing the amount and intensity of exercise routines is believed to be very helpful for managing a healthy weight. A 40-minute aerobic exercise three or four times in a week can be very helpful. In addition to engaging in physical activities, it is similarly important to consume food items with the highest nutritional values.

"The healthiest foods are those that contain vitamins and minerals such as poultry, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, fish and nuts," added O'Sullivan.

Plant-based food items are highly beneficial for heart health. They contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients that can help maintain a healthy weight and control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. People should also reduce their consumption of red meat and sugary food and beverages.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the American Heart Association recommend dietary regimens such as DASH, or the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This particular diet is believed to be beneficial for overall heart health.

Heart healthy diets, such as DASH, recommend the intake of anti-inflammatory food items such as fatty fish. Fish like mackerel, tuna and herring contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are heart healthy. As an alternative to fish, consumers can also consume fish oil supplements (

About VitaBreeze

VitaBreeze is a nutraceutical brand that manufactures high quality natural supplements to help people live a healthy, enjoyable and longer life.


Michelle O Sullivan

(407) 545-2239

Source: EmailWire.Com


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